Page 39 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 39

‘Shall I say “Refused”?’   Singh. ‘I have lived without   watchman at the gate.   him with mild amusement   don’t laugh at a madman,   derived the inspiration for
 asked the postman. ‘No,   a single remark being   Some people were sitting   in their eyes. The assistant   for who knows, you will   it from a memory of his
 no,’ said Singh. ‘Just take it   made against me, all my   on sofas reading books   kindly put his arms on his   also be mad when you   own village days. It was
 back and say you have not   life. Now!’ He shuddered   and journals. They turned   shoulder and led him out.   come to make clay dolls,’   the most enjoyable piece
 found me . . .’  at the thought of it. ‘I knew   and threw a brief look at   ‘You get well first, and then   and charged into their   of work that he had so far
 I was getting into trouble   him and resumed their   come back. I tell you—you   midst with a war cry. When   undertaken. He lived in a
  ‘That I can’t do . . .’   when I made that office   studies. As Singh stood   are not all right.’   he saw children coming   kind of ecstasy while doing
 wsaid the postman,   model . . .’ After deeper   uncertainly at the doorway,   out of a school, he felt it   it. ‘I am going to keep this
 looking serious.   reflection he said, ‘Every   an assistant came up and   Walking back home, he   would be nice to amuse   for myself. A memento
 time I took something   asked, ‘What do you want?’   pondered over it. ‘Why are   their young hearts by   of my father’s village,’ he
 Singh seemed to have no   there, people crowded   Singh gave a salute, held   they all behaving like this,   behaving like a tiger. So he   declared. ‘I will show it at
 option but to scrawl his   round, stopped all work   up the letter uncertainly   as if I were a madman?’   fell on his hands and knees   an exhibition, where they
 signature and receive the   for nearly an hour . . . That   and muttered, ‘Can I   When this word came   and crawled up to them   will give me a medal.’ He
 packet. He sat gloomily—  must also have reached   know what is inside this?’   to his mind, he stopped   with a growl.   guarded it like a treasure:
 gazing at the floor. His wife  the Sahib’s ears.’   The assistant made the   abruptly in the middle of   when it was wet he never
 who had gone out and just   obvious suggestion. But   the road and cried, ‘Oh!   He went home in a   allowed his wife to walk
 returned saw him in this   He wandered about   Singh replied, ‘They said   That’s it, is that it?—Mad!   terrifying condition. His   within ten yards of it. ‘Keep
 condition and asked, ‘What   saying the same thing,   you could tell me what’s   Mad!’ He shook his head   wife, who was grinding   off, we don’t want your foot
 is it?’ His voice choked as   with the letter in his   inside without opening   gleefully as if the full truth   chilli in the back yard,   dust for this village . . .’
 he replied, ‘It has come.’ He  pocket. He lost his taste   it—’ The assistant asked,   had just dawned upon him.   looked up and asked,
 flung at her the registered   for food, wandered about   ‘Where do you come   He now understood the   ‘What is this?’ His hair was   Now, in his madness,
 letter. ‘What is it?’ she   unkempt, with his hair   from?’ Singh explained   looks that people threw   covered with street dust;   he looked down on it.
 asked. He said, ‘How   standing up like a halo—an   his life, work and outlook,   at him. ‘Oh! oh!’ he cried   his body was splashed with  He raised his foot and
 should I know. Perhaps our   unaccustomed sight, his   and concluded, ‘I’ve lived   aloud. He laughed. He   mud. He could not answer   stamped everything down
 ruin . . .’ He broke down.   years in military service   without remark all my   felt a curious relief at this   because he choked with   into a multicoloured jam.
 His wife watched him for a   having given him a habitual  life. I knew trouble was   realization. ‘I have been   mirth as he said, ‘Fancy   They were still half-wet.
 moment, went in to attend   tidiness. His wife lost all   coming—’ There were   mad and didn’t know it . .   what has happened!’   He saw a donkey grazing
 to some domestic duty and  peace of mind and became   tears on his cheeks. The   .’ He cast his mind back.   in the street. He gathered
 returned, still found him   miserable about him.   assistant looked at him   Every little action of his   ‘What is it?’  up the jam and flung it
 in the same condition and   He stood at crossroads,   curiously as scores of   for the last so many days   at the donkey with the
 asked, ‘Why not open it and  clutching the letter in   others had done before,   seemed mad; particularly    ‘I’m mad, mad.’ He looked   remark: ‘Eat this if you
 see, ask someone to read   his hand. He kept asking   smiled and said, ‘Go home   the doll-making. ‘What   at his work-basket in a   like. It is a nice village .
 it?’ He threw up his arms in   everyone he came across,   and rest. You are not all   sane man would make   corner, scooped out the   . .’ And he went out on
 horror. ‘Woman, you don’t   ‘Tell me, what is there in   right . . . Go, go home.’  clay dolls after twenty   clay and made a helmet of   a second round. This
 know what you are saying.   this?’ but he would not   five years of respectable   it and put it on his head.   was a quieter outing. He
 It cannot be opened. They   brook the suggestion    ‘Can’t you say what is   service in an office?’ He   Ranged on the floor was   strode on at an even pace,
 have perhaps written that   to open it and see   in this?’ Singh asked   felt a tremendous freedom   his latest handiwork. After   breathing deeply, with
 my pension is stopped, and  its contents.   pathetically. The assistant   of limbs, and didn’t feel   his last visit to the office   the clay helmet on, out of
 God knows what else the   took it in his hand,   it possible to walk at an   he had been engaged in   which peeped his grey hair,
 Sahib has said . . .’  So forthwith Singh found   examined it and said, ‘Shall   ordinary pace. He wanted   making a model village. It   his arms locked behind,
 his way to the City X-ray   I open it?’ ‘No, no, no,’   to fly. He swung his arms   was a resplendent group:   his fingers clutching the
  ‘Why not go to the office   Institute at Race Course   Singh cried, and snatched   up and down and ran on   a dun road, red tiles, green   fateful letter, his face
 and find out from them?’   Road. As he entered the   it back. There was a look   with a whoop. He ran   coconut trees swaying,   tilted towards the sky. He
 gate he observed dozens   of terror in his eyes. The   through the Market Road.   and the colour of the saris   walked down the Market
 ‘Not I! I will never show my   of cars parked along   assembly looked up from   When people stood about   of the village women   Road, with a feeling that
 face there again,’ replied   the drive, and a Gurkha   their pages and watched   and watched he cried, ‘Hey,   carrying water pots. He   he was the sole occupant
                                                                           of this globe: his madness
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 Mindmail - June 2019                                                           Mindmail - June  2019
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