Page 40 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 40


           had given him a sense of        advice in the matter. He        envelope and took out of
           limitless freedom, strength     stopped in the middle of        it a letter and read aloud:
           and buoyancy. The               the road, stretched out         ‘The General Manager
           remarks and jeers of the        his arms and shouted,           greatly appreciates the
           crowds gaping at him did        ‘Halt!’ The carriages           very artistic models you
           not in the least touch him.     stopped, the cyclists           have sent, and he is
                                           jumped off and Singh            pleased to sanction a
           While he walked thus, his       began a lecture: ‘When I        reward of one hundred
           eye fell on the bulb of a tall   was in Mesopotamia—I           rupees and hopes it will be
           street lamp. ‘Bulb of the       will tell you fellows who       an encouragement for you
           size of a papaya fruit!’ he     don’t know anything about       to keep up this interesting
           muttered and chuckled. It       anything.’ The policeman        hobby.’
           had been a long cherished       dragged him away to the
           desire in him to fling a        side and waved to the           It was translated to him
           stone at it; now he felt,       traffic to resume. One of       word for word, and the
           in his joyous and free          the cyclists who resumed        enclosure, a cheque for
           condition, that he was          jumped off the saddle           one hundred rupees, was
           free from the trammels of       again and came towards          handed to him. A big crowd
           convention and need not         him with, ‘Why! It is Singh,    gathered to watch this
           push back any inclination.      Singh, what fancy dress is      scene. Singh pressed the
           He picked up a pebble and       this? What is the matter?’      letter to his eyes. He beat
           threw it with good aim. The     Even through the haze of        his brow and wailed, ‘Tell
           shattering noise of glass       his insane vision Singh         me, sir, am I mad or not?’
           was as music to his ears.       could recognize the voice
           A policeman put his hand        and the person—the              ‘You look quite well, you
           on his shoulder. ‘Why did       accountant at the office.       aren’t mad,’ said the
           you do it?’ Singh looked        Singh clicked his heels         accountant. Singh fell at
           indignant. ‘I like to crack     and gave a salute. ‘Excuse      his feet and said with tears
           glass papaya fruit, that        me, sir, didn’t intend to       choking his voice, ‘You are
           is all,’ was the reply. The     stop you. You may pass          a god, sir, to say that I am
           constable said, ‘Come to        . . .’ He pointed the way       not mad. I am so happy to
           the station.’                   generously, and the             hear it.’
                                           accountant saw the letter
            ‘Oh, yes, when I was in        in his hand. He recognized       On the next pension day
           Mesopotamia they put            it although it was mud-         he turned up spruce as
           me on half-ration once,’        stained and crumpled.           ever at the office counter.
           he said, and walked on to                                       As they handed him the
           the station. He paused,         ‘Singh, you got our letter?’    envelope they asked, ‘What
           tilted his head to the side                                     toys are you making now?’                                                             R. K. Narayan
           and remarked, ‘This road         ‘Yes, sir—Pass. Do not
           is not straight . . .’ A few    speak of it . . .’              ‘Nothing, sir. Never again.
           carriages and cycles were                                       It is no occupation for a
           coming up to him. He            ‘What is the matter?’ He        sane man . . .’ he said,
           found that everything was       snatched it from his hand.      received his pension and
           wrong about them. They          ‘Why haven’t you opened         walked stiffly out of
           seemed to need some             it!’ He tore open the           the office.

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           Mindmail - June 2019                                                                                                                                                                   Mindmail - June  2019
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