Page 4 - COVID-19 Fact Finding Plandemic 05102020 (Beers)
P. 4

Dean A. Beers, CLI and Karen S. Beers, BSW

            Fact Finding Research - Govermedia COVID-19 Plandemic Misinformation
                                                                                                     May 10, 2020
                                                                                                      Page 4 of 18

               -- Tier 3: Other individuals with symptoms

               Certain people are at higher risk of getting very sick [every time - not just this time]:
               -- Older people (over age 60), especially those over 80 years.
               -- People who have chronic medical conditions like heart, lung, or kidney disease, or diabetes.
               -- Older people with chronic medical conditions are at greatest risk.

               If symptomatic, stay where you are, isolate yourself from others, and call a health care provider or nurse
               line before seeking care. Do not fly. Do not use public transportation or ride-shares.

              V.   What are the new suppression precautions?
               Colorado Department of Health & Environment –
               -- Stay home or in a comparable setting as much as possible:
                 - Work from home if possible; if you can’t work from home, maintain at least 6 feet of distance
               between you and your coworkers or customers.
                 - Only go to public spaces for necessities such as groceries and the pharmacy.
                 - Continue healthy, non-group activities like walking, hiking, jogging, cycling and other activities that
               maintain distance from other people.
                 - Don’t gather in group settings.
                 - Avoid mass gatherings.
                 - Maintain distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others.
                 - If you need to travel, use a private vehicle instead of taking buses, rideshares, flights, or other
               transportation that puts you in contact with other people.
                 - Continue to operate critical business functions, such as delivery of goods and operation of businesses,
               with social distancing and additional safety measures in place.

             VI.   What were the initial and historical pandemic precautions?
               Colorado's UCHealth –
                "The illness has spread to Colorado, but there’s no need to panic."
               How you can care for yourself and your loved ones:
               -- Wash your hands often with soap and water.
               -- When possible, avoid touching your face.
               -- Pay attention to your surroundings. Keep your distance from those who are sick. When possible, avoid
               large gatherings.
               -- Stay home if you are sick or at high risk for getting infectious illnesses. Learn more about guidance for
               pregnant women and older adults.
               -- Enjoy the outdoors, get exercise and breathe deeply to reduce anxiety. Continue your normal
               activities when possible. It’s normal to feel worried during stressful times.

               If you have a medical emergency:
               Such as severe respiratory symptoms, especially shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, call 911 and
               don't wait for a COVID-19 test. Sick people should isolate until:
               -- They have had no fever for at least 72 hours (without the use of medicine) AND

     11 (03/16/2020 - no longer on site; see
                       Copyright © 2020 by Dean A. Beers and Karen S. Beers – written permission required for any use.
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