Page 18 - How long will it take me to heal and why?
P. 18
symptoms or pain comes back, it means the body
cannot handle the problem on its own and needs
further treatment to hopefully get it to where it can
handle the problem without medical intervention.
It should be noted that some medical conditions
can become so severe that no amount of medical
intervention will help the body to fully heal. In
these cases palliative care can be given to keep the
level of pain low and the quality of your life as
high as possible.
It may be difficult to demonstrate initially that
you are improving once the symptoms are gone.
However, it is not difficult to demonstrate that the
body is remaining at a lower level of function after
treatment is discontinued. As demonstrated by the
“patch-up job” graph, if the body remains at a
lower level of function, the problem will reoccur,
usually within three to six months or less.