Page 14 - How long will it take me to heal and why?
P. 14

Understanding how this may impact your

            quality of life in the future

                 It is absolutely crucial that you understand the

            difference between the last two graphs.  If you

            forget to take your herbs, if you do not show up for

            acupuncture or only come in when you feel like it

            or it is convenient, your results will most likely be

            similar to those in the first graph because the body

            will be getting inconsistent signals.

                 If this is the case and you know you will not

            follow through, it would be best that you terminate

            treatment now.  You will simply be wasting your

            time and money, the probability of you getting

            better is low and to be honest, I would rather focus

            my time and efforts on the patients that truly want

            to get better.

                 The body can only heal when it is given

            consistent signals. The question is “How much do

            you value your health, well-being and quality of


                 Many people may say,”I am not made of

            money.”  We are not asking you to come in forever

            and spend lots of money. We are trying to get you
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