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P. 194

Chapter 12

               1.2  Specific reasons for merger / acquisition

               Some good reasons given for one company taking over another are as follows:

                      Synergies – ‘2 + 2 = 5’ i.e. the wealth of the shareholders should increase
                       after the takeover.

                      Increased  market  share/power   – a larger market share may enable an entity
                       to drive prices – for example reducing prices in the short term to eliminate
                       competition before increasing prices later.

                      Economies of   scale – result when expansion causes total production costs
                       to increase less than proportionately with output.

                      Combining complementary needs e.g. a small entity might have a unique
                       product but lack the engineering and sales organisations necessary to
                       produce and market it on a large scale. Solution: merge with a larger entity.

                      Improving  efficiency  – a classic takeover target is an entity operating in a
                       potentially lucrative market but which does not fully exploit its opportunities.

                      A lack of profitable investment opportunities – entities with excess cash are
                       usually regarded as ideal targets for acquisition – a case of buy or be

                      Tax  relief  – an entity may be unable to claim tax relief because it does not
                       generate sufficient profits. Solution: merge with another entity which does
                       generate such profits.

                      Reduced   competition  – as long as the merger does not fall foul of the
                       competition authorities.

                      Asset stripping  – the acquirer sells the target’s easily separable assets,
                       perhaps closing down some of its operations.

                      Big  data opportunities – the knowledge and expertise of the target entity
                       can increase the amount of big data available to the predator, to enable the
                       combined firm to develop better competitive advantage.

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