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P. 196

Chapter 12


                             2.1  Definition of synergy

                             Synergy may be defined as two or more entities coming together to
                             produce a result not independently obtainable.

               2.2  Sources of synergy

                                        There are several sources of synergy:

                    Revenue synergy               Financial synergy              Cost synergy and
                                                                                  other synergistic
                 Market power –                 Elimination of                          effects
                  horizontal combinations       inefficiency – If the
                 may give monopoly              victim company is badly        Economies of scale –
                 power that can increase        managed.                       can occur in the
                 profitability (but beware                                     production, marketing
                 competition authorities).      Surplus cash –                 or finance areas.
                                                acquisition uses surplus
                 Economies of vertical          cash if increased              Surplus managerial
                 integration – 'cutting out     dividends are not              talent – the acquisition
                 the middle man'.               considered to be               of inefficient companies
                                                appropriate.                   is a good way to utilise
                 Complementary                                                 skilled managers.

                  resources – e.g.              Diversification –
                 combining an R&D               reduces risk, so even if       Speed – acquisition is
                  company with a                the earnings stay the          usually much faster
                 company strong in              same (i.e. no operating        than organic growth.
                 marketing could lead to        economies), there
                 gains.                         could still be an
                                                increase in value of the

                                                Diversification and
                                                financing – variability of
                                                operating cash flows
                                                may be reduced - more
                                                attractive to lenders.

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