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P. 238
Chapter 10
Earnings based valuation
3.1 The P/E valuation method
Value per share = EPS × P/E ratio
Total value of equity = Total post-tax earnings × P/E ratio
Which earnings figure?
Starting point: The current post-tax earnings, or EPS
BUT this is historic, not expected, future earnings.
Adjust for factors such as:
one-off items which will not recur in the coming year (e.g. debt write offs in
the previous year)
directors' salaries which might be adjusted after a takeover has been
Which P/E ratio?
An unquoted company will not have a market-driven P/E ratio, so
an industry average P/E, or one for a similar company, will be used
as a proxy.
However, proxy P/E ratios are also sometimes used when valuing a
quoted company too – if a quoted entity's own P/E ratio is applied to
its own earnings figure, the calculation will just give the existing
share price.