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P. 202

Chapter 16

                           The IFRS for SMEs Standard

               2.1   Background

               The IFRS for SMEs Standard was issued for use by entities that have no public

               This standard reduces the burden of producing information that is not likely to be of
               interest to the stakeholders of a small or medium company.

               2.2   Omissions from the IFRS for SMEs Standard

               The content of some IFRS and IAS Standards is excluded from the IFRS for SMEs
               Standard because the cost of preparing and reporting that information would exceed
               the benefits that users would derive from that information.

                                    Earnings per                    Assets held for
                                        share                              sale


                                      Operating                          Interim
                                      segments                          reporting

   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207