Page 203 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 203

Specialised entities and specialised transactions

               2.3   Disallowed accounting choices within the IFRS for SMEs Standard

                    The non-controlling interest at the acquisition date cannot be measured at fair

                    The revaluation model   cannot be used for intangible assets.

                    The cost model for investment property is only used if the fair value cannot be
                     determined reliably.

               2.4   Simplifications within the IFRS for SMEs Standard

                    Borrowing costs are always expensed to profit or loss.

                    Depreciation and amortisation methods do not need to be reviewed annually.

                    Expenditure on research and development is always expensed to profit or loss.

                    Goodwill is amortised over its useful life. If the useful life cannot be reliably
                     established then an estimate of ten years or less should be used.

                    Cumulative exchange differences are not recycled to profit or loss on the
                     disposal of an overseas subsidiary.

                    Simplified techniques are permitted when measuring a defined benefit

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