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P. 205
Specialised entities and specialised transactions
3.2 Entity reconstructions
If an entity is in financial difficulty it may have no choice but to liquidate.
However, the entity may be in a position to survive, and flourish, by taking up some
future contract or opportunities. A major hindrance to this may be a lack of cash.
Sometimes a cash injection cannot be raised because the structure and status of the
entity is unattractive to current and potential investors for the following reasons:
accumulated losses
unpaid loans and interest
low market value of shares
no recent dividend payments.
A reconstruction of the entity's capital may help to alleviate these problems. It
normally involves one or more of the following procedures:
writing off accumulated losses
writing off loan and interest arrears
writing down the nominal value of equity capital.
This will involve stakeholders surrendering some of their rights. A reconstruction
scheme will only be approved if it provides a more beneficial outcome than the
liquidation of the entity.
Illustrations and further practice
Now try TYU question 1 from Chapter 16.