Page 14 - CIMA OCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 14


               Question               Response

               Comment on Trigg        •  Debt increased by F$300k but overall gearing still low
               Adventure’s financial   •  Possible concern is why the debt was raised – was it to finance
               gearing.                    investment or simply to facilitate the payment of the F$360k
                                           dividend? If the latter, then this is not a sensible approach to long
                                           term debt management.

               Comment on Trigg        Positives
               Adventure’s cash flow.   •  Have F$226k more cash compared to previous year
                                       •  Cash generated from operations of F$1,457k
                                       •  F$680k net investment in PPE
                                       •  Additional F$475k tied up in working capital
                                       •  Is payment of F$360k sustainable going forwards?

               Discuss whether the     The key driver of the budget is the planned increase in revenue of 5.8%.
               2019 budget is realistic.   Given the budget has a sales mix of 64% domestic and 36% commercial,
                                       compared to the current situation of 70:30 (p17), we can assume that
                                       the bulk of the growth is expected to come from the domestic sector.

                                       Arguments why the growth is reasonable
                                       •  You could argue that Trigg had a major shake-up in June 2018 - Tony
                                           took over as MD and Sally joined as Sales Director. Since then Grace
                                           has been appointed as a designer. 2019 will be the first full year
                                           when their new drive and ideas will have impact, such as new
                                           product ranges, etc.
                                       •  Sally’s experience could be instrumental in winning new commercial
                                       •  Growth opportunities due to FITKIDS initiative
                                       Arguments why it isn’t
                                       •  We are told on p11 that complaints re installation have reduced
                                           dramatically but not eliminated, so Trigg could still be in a position
                                           where it needs to refresh its image in the minds of commercial

               W2: Expected receivables days (page 17)

                   •  Sales split 70% domestic 30% commercial

                   •  Domestic: 50% website paid at time  of purchase, of the rest  (i.e. retailers) >50% five
                      largest 45 days and rest 30 days

                   •  Commercial: either on installation or after 50 days if government
                   •  Weighted average = 0.7[(0.5×0) + 0.5×(0.5x45 + 0.5×30)] + 0.3[50] = 28 days

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