Page 2 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 2


               Question                          Response

               What is Mansako’s supplier        •  Mansako has worked with the same suppliers for a
               strategy?                            number of years and has built up strong relationships
                                                    with these suppliers (p8)
                                                 •  All suppliers must adhere to Mansako’s ‘Code of
                                                    conduct for Supplier’, which covers both environmental
                                                    and ethical aspects (p8, 13)

               What sales channels does          3 channels (p5)
               Mansako sell via?                    1.  119 company-owned stores
                                                    2.  Website
                                                    3.  Third part retail partners.

               What targets are set for store    Sales revenue targets based on size of store and number of
               managers?                         staff (p10)

               What is an “omni-channel”         Seemless integration of different channels – e.g. order
               strategy?                         online but pickup in-store (p11)

               What distribution strategy does   •  Sends goods to 190 countries (p11)
               Mansako have?                     •  Single company-owned distribution centre in Lowerland
                                                 •  Owns own trucks for use in Lowerland and some parts
                                                    of Europe (p12)
                                                 •  Uses number of shipping partners in rest of world (p12)

               What percentage of sales do       42% (p15)
               Millennials make using computer
               or mobile devices?

               What is meant by off-price        While many shops will cut prices during “sales” to boost
               channels?                         revenue, some retailers also have dedicated discount retail
                                                 outlets (p15), usually on out-of-town retail parks - e.g.
                                                 McArthur Glenn outlet village near Chester (p24)

               By how much is the personal       3% to 4% (p16)
               luxury goods market expected to
               grow through 2018 to 2020?

               What type of organisational       Functional (p7)
               structure does Mansako have?

               Why was a new senior              To help Anders Bucatti (MD) to improve the brands current
               management team appointed?        market position (p6)

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