Page 5 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 5


                  Exercise 1(b) - Standard Costing and Variances

                   Variance           Reason

                  Sales price        Mansako has positioned its products as ‘affordable luxury’ so needs to be
                  variances          wary of excessive price discounting as this can undermine the brand.
                                     Given  this, it is vital  that the Board can see the overall level of price
                                     discounting by product and store.

                  Sales mix variance   Different product lines have different margins  (page 22) and  consumer
                                     behaviour is likely to involve substitution.
                                     As a result a sales mix variance will help directors identify any trends in
                                     purchasing habits – e.g. from smaller to larger bags within specific ranges.

                  Materials usage    A usage variance would indicate the effectiveness of the design and cutting
                  variance           stages in minimising excessive waste.

                                     However, this needs to be viewed with caution – for example, a favourable
                                     usage variance could arise if not enough leather has been used or if
                                     defective products were not rejected by quality control, resulting in an
                                     inferior product

                  Marketing cost     Marketing expenditure is  critical to enhancing and  building the Mansako
                  expenditure        brand. However, we are told (page 15) that most companies cannot afford
                  variance           to invest in all channels. Controlling marketing costs is thus vital to

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