Page 8 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 8



               EXERCISE 3(a) – CVP Analysis

                Question            Your response

                Calculate the      Using the forecast figures on page23:
                budgeted fixed                                                          L$000s
                production costs    Total contribution = 710 × 242,740                 172,345
                for 2018 and use    Fixed production costs (balancing figure)          (30,585)
                this to estimate    Total Gross Profit = 584 × 242,740                 141,760
                total fixed costs
                for 2018.
                                   Total fixed costs
                                    Budgeted 2018 Fixed production costs                30,585
                                    Actual 2017 Operating expenses (assume mainly fixed)   126,049
                                    Total fixed costs                                  156,634

                Estimate the       Weighted average CS ratio in standard mix = 74.3% (given on p23)
                break even sales
                revenue and the    Using just budgeted fixed production costs
                associated margin
                of safety for 2018,  BEP (revenue) =  fixed costs / CS ratio = 30,585/0.743 = L$41,164
                assuming that      Margin of safety = (232,124 – 41,164)/232,124 = 82.3%
                sales are made in
                constant standard  Using total fixed operating costs
                                   BEP (revenue) =  fixed costs / CS ratio = 156,634/0.743 = L$210,813
                                   Margin of safety = (232,124 – 210,813)/232,124 = 9.2%

               EXERCISE 3(b) – Decision Making with Scarce Resources

                Ignoring        Rank options using contribution/direct material costs or throughput / direct
                accessories,    material cost.
                rank products
                for production   Type of bag          Shoulder Bags           Totes          Clutches
                if quality       Size               S     M       L     S      M      L      S    M
                leather was      Cont  per unit    614 1,011 1,155  800  1,127 1,269  433         910
                restricted       Mats cost          80    100    140    83    105    146    75    90
                                 Cont /mats cost   7.7    10.    8.3    9.6   10.7   8.7    5.8  10.1
                                 Rank               7     2=      6     4      1      5      8    2=
                                 Throughput        765 1,200 1,420  957  1,325 1,544  575 1,080
                                 Mats cost          80    100    140    83    105    146    75    90
                                 Throughput/mats   9.6   12.0   10.1   11.5   12.6   10.6   7.7  12.0
                                 Rank               7     2=      6     4      1      5      8    2=

                                Same ranking under either approach.

               50                                                                  KAPLAN PUBLISHING
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13