Page 13 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 13


                  Question               Response

                  Why had turnover       Reasons given in pre-seen:
                  increased in 2017?        •    Still recovering customers and sales lost between 2012 and 2015
                                            •    Selling handbags at lower prices than between 2012 and 2015
                                                (p3) thus boosting volume
                                            •    Introduction of new product ranges (p3) attracting new
                                            •    22% growth in sales in Asia (p10)
                                            •    Improved store design since working with USD (p10)
                                         Other possible reasons
                                            •    Change in mix towards more expensive lines
                                            •    Price increases (unlikely given experience between 2012 and

                  Comment on the         COS increased by more than revenue (8.4% v 7.9%), which is surprising as
                  increase in cost of sales  the presence of fixed costs within COS normally results in COS changing
                  between 2016 and 17    by less than revenue.

                                         Given COS is driven partly by volume, one explanation could be that
                                         overall volume increased by more than revenue (7.9%), in which case
                                         average price must have decreased.

                  Had the working capital  Positives
                  position worsened or      •    Overall operating cycle has shortened
                  improved? Explain.        •    Inventory days down, so lower obsolescence risk.
                                            •    G$192k less money tied up in working capital overall

                                            •    Big increase in receivables and receivables days, so higher credit
                                            •    Inventory days figure seems very high – do we need over 8
                                                months’ inventory?
                                            •    Payables days figure lower but also very high – do we risk
                                                alienating key suppliers? Could be problematic if we decide to
                                                switch to JiT, for example.
                                            •    Overall, an additionalL$2.3m tied up in working capital

                  Comment on             No long term debt, so have the potential to borrow funds if needed for
                  Mansako’s gearing.     investment.

                  KAPLAN PUBLISHING                                                                    55
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