Page 9 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 9


                  Exercise 4(a) – Key Risks

                   Question          Your response

                   Identify four     •  Damage to brand due to quality problems
                   significant areas   •  Damage to brand due to excessive price discounting to sell items
                   of risk for       •  Damage to reputation due to problems delivering omni-channel
                   Mansako.              strategy
                                     •  Erosion of brand due to lack of investment in new products
                                     •  Failure to identify and respond quickly enough to changes in consumer

                  Exercise 4(b) – Expected Values

                     •  EV = 0.6 × 500 + 0.3 × 120 - 0.1 × 250 = + L$310,000 > 0
                     •  Using EV, this would suggest the project is acceptable as the EV is positive.
                     •  Furthermore
                               o  There is a 10% chance of a loss of L$250,000 being incurred for the new
                               o  This is 4% of Mansako’s overall 2017 profits of L$6,487k, so the Board may be
                                  unwilling to take such a risk.
                               o  However, if viewed as a pilot then the Board may be willing to accept this risk
                                  as a loss leader.
                     •  Concerns over usefulness of EVs
                               o  EV is a long run average when the project is a one-off decision
                               o  EV cannot happen
                               o  Difficult to estimate probabilities with any certainty
                               o  EV ignores risk profile (see above).

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