Page 7 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 7


                  EXERCISE 2 - BUDGETING

                  Exercise 2(a) - Forecasting

                   Question          Your response

                  Discuss whether   •  Time series analysis is most useful when there is a clear pattern to sales –
                  time series           i.e. trend + some type of seasonal or regular variation.
                  analysis would be  •  We are not told whether there is a significant seasonal aspect to sales but
                  a useful              one might expect more bags to be sold in the run up to Christmas as gifts.
                  technique for     •  Given this, then time series analysis would be very useful for forecasting
                  Mansako to use        sales patterns.
                  for forecasting
                  future revenue.

                  Exercise 2(b) - Budget Preparation

                   Question           Your response

                  Identify the likely   No suggestion that we are operating at full capacity, so the budget limiting
                  budget limiting     factor will be sales demand.
                  factor for

                  Exercise 2(c) – Budgeting Approaches

                  Question           Your response

                  Discuss whether an  As far as we know, there has been little change to the business over the last
                  incremental or ZBB   year and going forwards (although Melanie Zhang – Sales and Marketing
                  approach would be  Director – is keen to see the company expand into new products and
                  most suitable for   markets), so an incremental approach is  likely to be acceptably accurate
                                       •  Revenue expected to increase by 6% this year
                                       •  No change in customers or  target markets
                                       •  No change in product range, although a critical success factor of the
                                           industry is balancing introducing new products and keeping older
                                           more established ones (page 24)
                                       •  Also, an incremental approach was likely to be cheaper.

                                     However, if Mansako introduces new products, as has been hinted at, then
                                     there is more justification for ZBB going forwards.

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