Page 103 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 103
Chapter 11
By the end of this session you should be able to:
explain the use of e-marketing and how its use might affect the marketing mix
describe a process for establishing a pricing strategy for products and services
that recognises both economic and non-economic factors
explain the characteristics of the media of e-marketing using the ‘6Is’
explain, with examples, how electronic media can be used to acquire
customers, retain customers and to increase income from them
explain the importance to a business of e-branding
explain what is meant by the term ‘customer relationship management’ and how
a suitable software package could support this
and answer questions relating to these areas.
The underpinning detail for this Chapter in your Integrated Workbook can
be found in Chapter 11 of your Study Text