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P. 108

Chapter 11

               2.3   Practical pricing methods

               Method               How it works                             When it’s best used

               Penetration          Starting low and increasing prices       When repeat business is
                                    as loyalty increased                     sought

               Skimming             Starting high and gradually reducing  For sales that are likely to
                                    prices                                   be one-offs

               Discrimination       Charging different prices to different  When segments can be
                                    segments                                 easily distinguished

               Going rate           Charging the same as rivals              When there are lots of
                                                                             homogeneous rivals

               Perceived value      Charging premium prices to reflect       For differentiators
                                    extra value

               Periodic             Having short-term reductions as          To clear old inventory to
               discounting          certain periods of the year              make way for new lines

               Loss                 Selling one product in a range at a      To attract customers to the
               leaders/captive      low price but making higher margins  range
               product              on other products in the range

               Bait                 Quoting the basic price for the          Luxury products with
                                    product without any typical add ons      modular sales elements

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now read illustration 2 and try TYU 3.

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