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P. 114

Chapter 5

                          Different types of market structures

               The price that a business can charge for its products or services will be determined
               by the market in which it operates.

                     Perfectly competitive market                      Imperfect competition

               Every buyer or seller is a 'price taker'.      Market structure that does not meet the
                                                              conditions of perfect competition. Its
               No participant influences the price of the     forms include:
               product it buys or sells.
                                                                  Monopoly, in which there is only
               Zero entry/Exit barriers – It is relatively         one seller of a good. The seller
               easy to enter or exit as a business in a            dominates many buyers and can
               perfectly competitive market.                       use its market power to set a profit-
                                                                   maximising price. Microsoft is
               Perfect Information – Prices and quality            usually considered a monopoly.
               of products are assumed to be known to
               all consumers and producers.                       Oligopoly, in which a few
                                                                   companies dominate the market
               Companies aim to maximise profits –                 and are inter-dependent: firms must
               Firms aim to sell where marginal costs              take into account likely reactions of
               meet marginal revenue, where they                   their rivals to any change in price,
               generate the most profit.                           output or forms of non-price
               Homogeneous products – The
               characteristics of any given market good           Monopolistic competition, in which
               or service do not vary across suppliers.            products are similar, but not
                                                                   identical. There are many producers
                                                                   ('price setters') and many
                                                                   consumers in a given market, but
                                                                   no business has total control over
                                                                   the market price.

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