P. 9

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               The  advantage  of  bringing  a  CEO  from  outside  is  the  fresh  perspective  which  may  be  what

               MCOM needs after undergoing so much upheaval or what the markets have called the 'perfect
               storm.'  There is need for a fresh start and to implement massive changes required to not only
               overcome  the  head  winds  but  find  new  growth  avenues  in  a  market  that  has  rapidly  been

               stagnating  even  before  the  fine.  The  immediate  downside  of  an  external  candidate  is  that  it
               could de-motivate internal candidates who may then feel MCOM is not committed to succession
               planning, causing senior executives to not only resign but join competitors such as V-Mobile.

               Furthermore, external candidates tend to require very lengthy notice period prior to starting.

               Alatunji Babele is a decisive leader with clear experience in the mobile sector as CEO of the
               2nd  largest  Mobile  Operator  group  in  Nakolia.  His  background  with  the  Nakolian
               Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (NTRA)  could  be  handy  when  negotiating  the fine.

               This candidate is however not a citizen of Sadimba and as such will not meet our Affirmative
               Action hiring practices. His notice period however is shorter than Johan Van Rensberg's, the
               other external candidate. The criticality of this depends on how long our current Acting CEO is

               willing to hold the helm until a replacement can take over. Johan van Rensberg on the other
               hand is a strong leader  with  years of mobile operator and banking experience. He seems to
               have big picture skills which makes him a forward thinker and hence will help set strategy and

               direction  effectively.  His  knack  for  talent  management  will  directly  contribute  to  'Building  and
               leading the senior executive team'. The Nakolia fine has left in its wake too many resignations

               and we need a leader who can help identify and replace them and drive the team to success. As
               CEO of V-Mobile's parent in Europe covering 9 countries, Johan has executive level experience
               and  seems  ready  for  the  top  job.  He  is  likely  to  bring  experience  from  V-Mobile,  our  main

               competitor  in  Sadimba  where  he  served  before  joining  V-Mobile's  parent  in  Europe.  His
               background in banking may very well help us execute our mobile payments strategy which we

               have  clearly  identified  as  where  the  growth  from  2017  will  come  from  (See    item  1  of  our
               Projections  for  2016).  The  downside  of  Johan  perhaps  on  operations  as  nothing  is  directed
               stated and  the extended notice period of 12 months he needs before starting. Although he is

               South African and so alleviates the nationality concern in relation to Alatunji, he is white, a race
               group that is not likely to be considered an Affirmative Action or a Historically Disadvantaged
               Individual. It is clear however Johan is a far better external candidate.

               Both internal candidates are Black Africans and citizens of Sadimba so it ticks the Affirmative

               Action  or  Historically  Disadvantaged  Individual  (HDI)  box.  Both  also  seem  to  be  immediately

                                                            Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Case Study Competition 2016'
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