Page 14 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 14
Chapter 1
Planning and control
2.1 What are planning and control?
The organisation sets its The organisation monitors
achievement of objectives
objectives and decides how and suggests any necessary
best to achieve them.
corrective action.
2.2 Planning and control at different levels in the organisation
Mission statement: Outlines the broad direction of the
organisation, its reasons for existing and its values.
Strategic planning and control: Undertaken by senior
managers. It involves making long-term decisions for
the entire organisation.
Tactical planning and control: Undertaken by middle
management. It tends to look at plans for specific
divisions or departments and specifies how to use
Operational planning and control: Undertaken by
junior managers and supervisors. It is short-term,
detailed and practical.