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P. 45

Environmental influences

               3.7  Risk appetite of stakeholders

                               It is important to consider the risk appetite of stakeholders when
                               considering the most appropriate tool for decision making under

                              Shareholders                           Employees and managers
                  Commonly risk seeking. Prepared             Should act in the best interests of
                    to take a risk, hold a portfolio of        shareholders but:
                    investments to spread risk–                 May be risk averse if an
                    maximax suitable.                             unsuccessful outcome would
                  However, shareholders in a                     impact their remuneration or job
                    company in financial distress may             security – maximin preferred.
                    be more risk averse or neutral –            May be risk seeking if a bonus or
                    maximin or EVs suitable.                      reward is offered for a high
                                                                  outcome – maximax preferred.

                           Venture capitalists                                  Banks
                  Rational investors seeking                   Conservative approach to risk
                    maximum return for minimum                    aiming to secure funds/returns –
                    risk.                                         maximin (or perhaps EVs)
                  Hold a portfolio of investments,               suitable.
                    monitoring progress, agreeing an
                    exit strategy and placing
                    employees on the management
                    team – maximin suitable.

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now read Illustrations 9 and 10 from Chapter 2 of the Study Text

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