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P. 61

Business structure and performance management

                           Organisational forms

                                                              Advantages for         Disadvantages for
                Organisational          Information             performance             performance
                      form                  needs               management              management
               Functional –          Data passed from   Lower costs                Hard to grow or
               groups together         functional to           since roles not         diversify
               employees that          upper level             duplicated            Difficult to assess
               undertake similar     Upper level            Better                   performance of
               tasks into              aggregate,              standardisation         individual
               departments, e.g.       analyse and             and control             products/markets
               production,             feedback to
               finance                                       Defined career         Dysfunctional
                                       functional level
                                                               path and sense          behaviour by
                                    The information            of belonging for        functional
                                    system (IS) should         specialists             managers
                                    aid this                                         Slow decision
               Divisional –          Autonomy results   Easier to grow/            Cost of role
               organisation split      in information          diversify               duplication
               into autonomous         being required at     Easier to assess       More differences
               divisions               divisional level,       performance of          to standards and
               (subsidiaries or        e.g. for budgeting      individual              control
               strategic            The IS should              products/markets
               business units)      deliver the correct                              Dysfunctional
               based on             information to           Faster decision          behaviour by
               products or          divisional                 making and              divisional
               regions                                         utilises local          managers
                                    managers, in an            knowledge
                                    appropriate form                                 Difficult to set up
                                    and on a timely          Autonomy
                                    basis                      motivating
                                                             Clear
                                                               responsibility for

                                                             Top management
                                                               can focus on

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