Page 10 - flip book- How To Survive Baby Loss
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How To Survive Baby Loss
abort a non living child. Some choose to name and bury their
child, while others do not.
A stillbirth experience, which is a loss after 20 weeks may
include much of the same experience as a miscarriage, but with
the added complications of induced labor or c-section due to the
fact that the baby is more fully grown. There is also the problem
of the milk and how to wean. I personally felt relieved that my
milk did not come in since our son was not there to nurse. In
that case, the chest of the mother is bound up to prevent the
milk from coming in. Some mothers have found comfort in
pumping for a cause to help other babies who need milk, others
may use the milk to make soap, or keep a bag of their milk to
remember their precious little one. There is no right or wrong
way to handle this. You do what is best for you in your partic-
ular circumstances for your emotional well-being. Remember
that you are still facing the fact that your body is recovering
from birth, going through postpartum stress, and healing, so
treat your body accordingly, and expect the afterbirth period to
last two to six weeks on average.
The circumstances for infant loss, which is between the first
month and the first birthday, or newborn loss, which is between
birth and one month are many and varied, depending on how
you lost your baby and whether it was premature. There are
several common causes for this, including:
● Blighted ovum - no baby in your uterus; empty sac, but
your body has all the pregnancy symptoms
● Ectopic pregnancy - When the embryo grows outside the
uterus, such as in one’s Fallopian tube
● Hellp syndrome - Serious complication of high blood
pressure during pregnancy. Other names for it are hemo-
lysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count.
● Preeclampsia - A pregnancy complication which is often
characterized by high blood pressure, swelling of hands
and feet, and protein in the urine. There also may be no