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P. 12

The Romanian market and its challenges


                                                                                                                    The Romanian market

                                                                                                                    and its challenges

                                                                                                                   The Romanian food and beverage industry is

                                                                                                                   the seventh largest in the European Union

                                                                                                                   and  the  second  largest  in  Eastern  Europe

                                                                                                                   a er Poland.

          Blindtext                                            Blindtext                                           Blindtext
          With  a  popula on  of  about  20  million           Internal  demand  and  export  play  an             The  growing  and  stable  employment
          ci zens,  Romania  is  the  seventh  largest         important role. There are currently around          increases the exis ng purchasing power of
          country in the EU and the second largest in          8400 companies with 180,000 employees in            the ci zens.
          southern and eastern Europe a er Poland.             the food industry.
                                                                                                                   According  to  Sta sta,  GDP  increased  by
          The market is es mated at 26 billion Euros, of       The export share of food from total exports         5.5% in 2017, compared to 2.2% in Germany
          which about 80% are generated in retail and          is about 10%.                                       and 3.8% in Poland.
          20% in food service.
                                                               According  to  Eurostat,  the  official               Infla on was 1.1% in 2017, which means it is
          The Romanian food industry has grown at an           unemployment  rate  in  Romania  has                below the EU infla on rate.
          average  annual  rate  of  6%  over  the  last  5    fluctuated between 4.5% and 5% in recent
          years. Overall economic growth in Romania            years  and  is  lower  than  the  European          The  currency  RON  has  been  stable  in
          reached  the  peak  of  over  8%  in  the  third     average.                                            comparison  to  the  Euro  for  years  and
          quarter of 2017.                                                                                         fluctuates between 4.4 and 4.6 RON/1 EUR.
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