Page 13 - whiteland
P. 13

The Romanian market and its challenges


                                                                                                               The  volume  of  logis cs  services  for

                                                                                                               foodstuffs in Romania is es mated at around

                                                                                                               2 billion Euros, of which approx. 1.1 billion

                                                                                                               are accounted to primary logis cs and the

                                                                                                               remainder to secondary logis cs (retail and

                                                                                                               wholesale). Source

                                                                                                               A major part of the Romanian food industry
                                                                                                               was  founded  in  the  60's  and  70's  and
                                                                                                               priva zed a er the poli cal change (1989).

                                                                                                               The  Romanian  capital  share  in  the  food
                                                                                                               industry accounts for about 60%. However,
                                                                                                               Romania is at the same  me interes ng for
                                                                                                               mul na onal  companies  because  of  the
                                                                                                               availability of resources and also the number
                                                                                                               of consumers, as well as the culture and food
                                                                                                               prices, which make food expenditure a large
                                                                                                               propor on of household's basket of goods.
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