Page 14 - whiteland
P. 14
The Romanian market and its challenges
Top 7 manufacturers meat industry and dairy industry
There are about 50 key players in the local food industry. These represent less than 1% of the total of around 8400 companies opera ng
in this field. The 50 companies generate more than 40% of the Romanian food produc on and a turnover of over 4 billion Euros.
There are 4 local companies among the top 20 The change in consumer behavior and the since the product regionality is an
players in the industry. Prutul, manufacturer of constant expansion of the product range are important basis for decision-making in
vegetable oils, Unicarm Srl, Romaqua Group changing the recipient structures, away from Romania. Another reason is that the
Srl, Aaaylex Prod. Srl, which are all ac ve in tradi onal shopping in small shops to country is very rural with the excep on of
meat produc on or processing. interna onal retail chains such as Carrefour, Bucharest and a few metropolitan areas.
Kaufland, Selgros and others. The retail chain
The exis ng and poten al customer structure Profi has introduced an extreme growth The infrastructure is not yet adapted to the
enables steady growth, as there is s ll concept and will expand from approximately Western standard, but it is being massively
significant logis cal outsourcing poten al. The 700 (2017) to approximately 1875 (2020) expanded, among other things, by
medium-sized enterprises are increasingly supermarkets. substan al European funding (6.1 billion
focusing on the core competencies of Euros by 2020). For example, the city of Cluj
produc on and sales and are no longer Despite these developments and changes in is a digital flagship model for the future life
inves ng in their own fleet and are therefore purchasing behavior, it should be assumed that architecture.
increasingly looking for logis c service even a er 10 years, the "tradi onal trade" will
providers. s ll have to ensure a high share of food supply,
Company name Turnover (th EUR) Shareholders Company name Turnover (th EUR) Shareholders
Albalact, Dorna, Parmalat, Covalact 187.000 Lactalis Smithfield Prod., Elit 275.000 WH Group
Danone 106.000 Danone Agricola Group 150.000 For Farmers BV
Fabrica de Lapte Brasov 82.000 Olympus/Tyras Group Unicarm 144.000 Family property
Friesland Campina 75.000 Friesland Cris-Tim 135.000 Family property
Hochland 63.000 Bonifaz Kohler Transavia 106.000 Family property
Simultan Lactate 32.000 Family property Aaylex 105.000 Family property
Müller 15.000 CBC Israel Group Caroli Foods Group 96.000 Sigma Alimentos