Page 42 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
P. 42


            HEALTH & SAFETY


          CHILD                              FIRST AID                          PROVIDE BASIC
          FIRST AID                          REFRESHER                          LIFE SUPPORT

                           Duration  4.5hrs                   Duration  6.5hrs  Level:   2       Duration  4hrs

                           Cost     $100                      Cost     $150     Credits:  2      Cost     $100

          This half day course is ideal for people   2hrs shorter than the Foundation   Basic Life Support is a 4hr course
          who are looking after children in their   First Aid course - First Aid Refresher   based on NZQA unit standard 6402
          own home or daycare centres, new   is just that, a course to refresh a   requirements.
          parents or parents-to-be. It focuses   learner’s knowledge. As such, there
          on Basic First Aid requirements    is no specific assessments. Learners   This course is the most basic and
          specifically for infants and children.  will be observed completing some   focuses on CPR, choking and
                                             practical scenarios in how to deal with   controlling life-threatening bleeding.
          •   Meets WorkSafe NZ requirements   CPR, choking, traumatic injuries and
              for first aid training.        medical emergencies.               All learners will be assessed on CPR
          •   It will give you a Child First Aid                                for adults or children and infants,
              certificate that is valid for 2 years  Learners are expected to fully   choking for adults or children and
                                             participate in every aspect of the   infants and controlling of severe
                                             course. This can include practical    bleeding and treatment of shock.
                                             scenarios, group discussions or    All assessments are scenario based
                                             tabletop exercises.                where learners must demonstrate
                                                                                their knowledge.
                                             •   Meets WorkSafe NZ requirements
                                                 for first aid training.        •   Eligible for NZQA unit standards
                                             •   It will give you a First Aid       6402.
                                                 Refresher certificate that is    •   Meets WorkSafe NZ requirements
                                                 valid for 2 years                  for first aid training.
                                                                                •   It will give you a Basic Life
                                             NB:                                    Support certificate that is
                                             Learners can only refresh their        valid for 2 years
                                             current First Aid Cert which has not
                                             expired for more than 3 months.
                                             Please supply a copy of your       NZQA unit 6402 v9 | 2 credits
                                             current FIrst Aid Certificate when   People credited with this unit
                                             making your booking.               standard are able to: provide basic
                                                                                life support, manage a foreign body
                                                                                airway obstruction, manage first aid
                                                                                for life threatening bleeding, and
                                                                                provide first aid management for a
                                                                                person in shock.

                            All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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