Page 39 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
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       COFFEE ESSENTIALS                 GREAT COFFEE                        BARISTA 101
                                         AND SAFE FOOD

       Level:   2       Duration  2 days  Level:  2       Duration  2 days   Level:  2 & 3    Duration  2 days

       Credits:  8      Cost     $330    Credits:  10     Cost     $330      Credits:  7      Cost    $330

       A super practical course learning   Be prepared to work in the hospitality   Interested in becoming a barista or
       commercial coffee knowledge and   industry by getting a real taste for   just love anything coffee? Then this
       how to create espresso, pressed and   what the role involves! Employers are   course is perfect for you! Discover the
       filtered coffee beverages.        always thrilled to bring on new staff   wonderful world of coffee and lots
                                         who have already completed their    more.                                   FACE TO FACE
       This practical course covers unit   basic hospitality training. Become
       standards about basic coffee methods   confident taking orders, preparing   Two days of practical learning - with
       and techniques. Topics covered are:   counter food and learning about safe   plenty of hands-on experience on
       espresso beverages, pressed and   food practices which are required   the espresso machines, making
       filtered coffee, brewing, machinery   by all food handlers and beverage   coffees.  Learn about the history and
       & equipment and serving. There’s   creators.                          production of coffee, understand
       plenty of time allowed for learning and                               more about the beans used to make
       practice on the espresso machines   All learners get plenty of hands-  great coffee.
       and with the filter and coffee press   on experience on the espresso
       equipment.                        machines. You will not only be able
                                         to make an exceptional brew but also   NZQA unit 17285 v10 | 4 credits
                                         be knowledgeable on coffee bean     (level 2)
       NZQA unit 17285 v10 | 4 credits   production and the history of turning   Demonstrate knowledge of
       Demonstrate knowledge of          those beans into the coffee we drink   commercial espresso coffee
       commercial espresso coffee        today! You will walk away with NZQA   equipment and prepare espresso
       equipment and prepare espresso    unit 167 which is an essential training   beverages under supervision
       beverages under supervision       for all food handlers and meets the
                                         compulsory training requirements    NZQA unit 17284 v7 | 3 credits
       NZQA unit 17286 v9 | 2 credits    of all food handlers under the Food   (level 3)
       Prepare and present pressed coffee   Act 2014, from market stalls, cafes   Demonstrate knowledge of coffee
       for service                       and restaurants to senior living and   origin and production
                                         childcare centers.
       NZQA unit 17287 v8 | 2 credits
       Prepare and present filtered coffee
       for service                       NZQA unit 17285 v10 | 4 credits
                                         Demonstrate knowledge of
                                         commercial espresso coffee
                                         equipment and prepare espresso
                                         beverages under supervision

                                         NZQA unit 167 v9 | 4 credits
                                         Practice food safety methods in a
                                         food business under supervision
                                         NZQA unit 20666 v7 | 2 credits
       Course options for All Sorts of   Demonstrate basic knowledge of
       Magic for all sorts of learners are   contamination hazards and control
       also located on pg 49             methods used in a food business

                                                                                                  TEA & COFFEE 39
                                 All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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