Page 43 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
P. 43


            HEALTH & SAFETY


         FOUNDATION                         NZ FIRST AID CERTIFICATE
         FIRST AID

         Level:   2       Duration  8hrs    Level:  2 & 3    Duration  12hrs  NZQA unit 6401 v7 | 1 credits
                                                                              (Level 2)
         Credits:  3      Cost     $170     Credits:  5      Cost    $240     People credited with this unit
                                                                              standard are able to provide first aid.
         This 1 day first aid course is ideal for   NZ First Aid Cert is a 12hr course that
         anyone wanting to learn the basics of   covers the NZQA unit standards 6401,   NZQA unit 6402 v9 | 2 credits
         first aid.                         6402 and 6400. This course is held   (Level 2)                           FACE TO FACE
                                            over 1.5 days for general courses or 2   People credited with this unit
         This course includes all course    school days for schools.          standard are able to: provide basic
         content from the Provide Basic                                       life support, manage a foreign body
         Life Support course and covers the   In addition, this course has further   airway obstruction, manage first aid
         NZQA unit standards 6401 and 6402.    focus on managing first aid in   for life threatening bleeding, and
         This course  has a further focus on   emergency situations. There is some   provide first aid management for a
         providing first aid for traumatic injuries   teaching focused on Anaphylaxis,   person in shock.
         (burns, fractures, dislocations, soft   managing multiple patients, head
         tissue injuries and poisoning) and   injuries, environmental conditions   NZQA unit 6400 v7 | 2 credits
         medical emergencies (heart attacks,   (hyper and hypothermia), spinal   (Level 3)
         diabetic emergency, asthma attack,   injuries, and eye injuries.     People credited with this unit
         seizure and stroke).                                                 standard are able to manage first aid
                                            This course includes all course   in an emergency situation.
         In addition, for ITS courses an    content from the Provide Basic Life
         awareness of Anaphylaxis is also   Support and Foundation First Aid
         taught on this course              courses. Learners must demonstrate
                                            their knowledge of managing first
         •   Eligible for NZQA unit standards   aid in emergencies, by managing 1
             6401 and 6402.                 situation with 2 patients and the help
         •   Meets WorkSafe NZ requirements   of 1 bystander. All assessments are
             for first aid training.        scenario based.
         •   It will give you a Foundation First
             Aid certificate that is        •   Eligible for NZQA unit standards
             valid for 2 years                 6401, 6402 and 6400.
                                            •   Meets WorkSafe NZ requirements
                                               for first aid training.
         NZQA unit 6401 v7 | 1 credits      •   It will give you a Foundation First
         People credited with this unit        Aid certificate that is valid for
         standard are able to provide first aid.
                                               2 years
         NZQA unit 6402 v9 | 2 credits
         People credited with this unit
         standard are able to: provide basic
         life support, manage a foreign body
         airway obstruction, manage first aid
         for life threatening bleeding, and
         provide first aid management for a
         person in shock.

                                                                                      FIRST AID - HEALTH & SAFETY 43
                                 All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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