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P. 52



            RESPECTFUL                         EXPLORE AN                         INTRO
            RELATIONSHIPS                      ELDER CARE CAREER                  TO WORKING SAFELY
                                                                                  IN ELDER CARE

                             Duration  1 day                    Duration  1 day   Level:   1 & 2   Duration  2 days

                             Cost     $POA                      Cost    $POA      Credits:  6      Cost     $POA

            This is a 1-day workshop designed to   Come and explore the life of    Take an exciting journey through the
            give people an awareness of healthy   Elder Care.                     elder care worplace, the variety of jobs
            relationships.                                                        that can be done and the amazing
                                               Working in Elder Care is very      insight of what is involved will leave
            A respectful relationship is one   rewarding, and this course that will   you absolutely enlightened about the
            of mutual respect, trust, good     give you an overview of what it could   wonders that can develop from taking
            communication, understanding and   be like to work in this sector.    an entry level job in this industry.
                                               Some reasons why you should work in   This course covers:
            This course covers:                Elder Care:                        •   Lots of scenarios that naturally
            •   Types of relationships         •   The ability to make a difference   occur for employees in Eldercare
            •   Healthy vs unhealthy           •   Meet new and interesting people  •   Basic Health & safety
                relationships                  •   Every day is different         •   Manual Handling
            •   Mentoring                      •   Genuine appreciation           •   First Aid
            •   How to build a healthy         •   A real sense of purpose
                relationship                   •   Wide-ranging career options
            •   Toxic relationships                                              Optional NZQA units available:
            •   Where to get help
            •   How to get help                                                  NZQA unit 6401 v7 | 1 credits
                (breathe, be brave, it is ok)                                    (level 2)
                                                                                 People credited with this unit
                                                                                 standard are able to provide first aid.

                                                                                 NZQA unit 6402 v9 | 2 credits
                                                                                 (level 2)
                                                                                 People credited with this unit
                                                                                 standard are able to: provide basic
                                                                                 life support, manage a foreign body
                                                                                 airway obstruction, manage first aid
                                                                                 for life threatening bleeding, and
                                                                                 provide first aid management for a
                                                                                 person in shock.
                                                                                 NZQA unit 497 v10 | 3 credits
                                                                                 (level 1)
                                                                                 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace
                                                                                 health and safety requirements

                             All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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