Page 51 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
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         ITS SAFE                                                             ITS POSITIVE
         EMPLOYEE                                                             EMPLOYEE

         Level:   1, 2 & 3  Duration  2 days  Optional NZQA units available:   Level:  2       Duration  2 days

         Credits:  8      Cost     $440    NZQA unit 6401 v7 | 1 credits      Credits:  9      Cost    $440
                                           (level 2)
         This is a MUST DO course! This is an   People credited with this unit   This is a self-management toolbox,
         invaluable 2-day course that will help   standard are able to provide first aid.  where the focus is on personal
         you build confidence, give you the                                   growth and well-being. The learner
         skills to provide basic first aid and   NZQA unit 6402 v9 | 2 credits    will develop effective strategies for   FACE TO FACE
         know the requirements for a safe   (level 2)                         managing their stress, build resilience
         working environment.              People credited with this unit     and how to manage your time wisely.
                                           standard are able to: provide basic   Dive into the different ways to solve
         This course covers:               life support, manage a foreign body   problems that may occur in the
         •   Workplace Health and Safety   airway obstruction, manage first aid   workplace or at home.
            requirements                   for life threatening bleeding, and
         •   How to minimise and eliminate   provide first aid management for a   This course covers:
            hazards                        person in shock.                   •   Importance of managing your
         •   Providing basic life support                                        time
         •   Manage basic first aid for trauma   NZQA unit 6400 v7 | 2 credits    •   Time management methods
            or medical event               (level 3)                          •   Processes to organise your time
         •   Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation   People credited with this unit      effectively
            (CPR)                          standard are able to manage first aid   •   Sources of stress
         •   Wound care                    in an emergency situation.         •   Symptoms and consequences of
         •   Dealing with bleeding and trauma                                    stress
                                           NZQA unit 497 v10 | 3 credits      •   Strategies for managing stress
         * 2 day Prerequisite              (level 1)                          •   Identifying the problem(s)
         This includes completing pre course reading prior                    •   Effects of the problem(s)
         to attending.                     Demonstrate knowledge of workplace
                                           health and safety requirements     •   Different problem-solving

                                                                              Optional NZQA units available:
      “         ORGANISER SAYS                                                NZQA unit 12349 v7 | 3 credits

                                                                              Demonstrate knowledge of time
                The course content was very relevant. Not just
                                                                              NZQA unit 12355 v7 | 3 credits
                in a customer service context but in a human
                interaction way as well.
                I always appreciate the unintended benefits from              Describe strategies for managing
                a class like this. How people are drawn out of their          NZQA unit 7123 v8 | 3 credits
                shells and to see them interacting with others is             Apply a problem-solving method
                just wonderful. Some of the participants live with
                anxiety and depression but you would not have
                known that at the end of the class!”

                                                                                              ALL SORTS OF MAGIC 51
                                 All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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