Page 53 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
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        FAMILY, YOU,                      ITS                                 ITS G.R.E.A.T
        AND SAFETY FIRST                  RESPONSIBLE                         SERVICE

        Level:   1 & 3   Duration  2 days  Level:  1       Duration  2 days   Level:  2        Duration  2 days

        Credits:  9      Cost     $440    Credits:  6      Cost     $440      Credits:  6      Cost    $440

        This course is a journey of discovery   This is a valuable course which   How we greet and treat our customers
        where the focus is on Basic Health &   is ideal for anyone starting out   is the difference between getting
        Safety, Drug & Alcohol Awareness and   in the workforce or career – as   served and having a GREAT customer
        Sleep Management.                 it will increase your knowledge,    service experience!                    FACE TO FACE
                                          expectations, and rights as an
        Discover ways to keep yourself and   employee. Gain an understanding   Being part of the Customer Service
        your workmates safe and gain the   of employment agreements, as they   team is a very important role to
        tools to recognise when someone   provide protection and clarity for the   have – especially as we want all our
        might put themselves, others, or the   employee.                      customers to have the experience
        workplace at risk.                                                    they deserve. Seaside Sally’s has a
                                          This course covers:                 diverse range of staff, and this can
        This course covers:               •   Employee obligations            sometimes lead to friction in the
        •   Workplace Health and Safety   •   Expectations and requirements   workplace. The one thing you need to
            requirements                  •   Your rights and responsibilities as   remember – it can be an advantage
        •   How to minimise and eliminate     an employee                     working with someone from a
            hazards                       •   Understanding your employment   different background!
        •   Recognizing signs of impairment   agreement
        •   Different drug classifications   •   Different types of agreements  Customer service is something that
        •   The consequences of being under   •   Terms and conditions in an   we take pride in, so it’s important
            the influence – for the individual   agreement                    that you look the part and have a
            as an employee, for their whanau   •   Good Faith and Duty of Care  positive attitude. Working at Seaside
            and their community                                               Sally’s can be a lot of fun, as you
        •   Importance of sleep           This 2-day course will give you     get to work as part of a team to make
        •   Sleep Management              valuable tools to kick start your career   sure that the tourists enjoy their
                                          pathway.                            experience and they leave with GREAT
        Optional NZQA units available:
                                          Optional NZQA units available:
        NZQA unit 497 v10 | 3 credits                                         Optional NZQA units available:
        (level 1)                         NZQA unit 1978 v9 | 3 credits
        Demonstrate knowledge of workplace   Describe basic employment rights   NZQA unit 377 v9 | 2 credits
        health and safety requirements    and responsibilities, and sources of   Demonstrate knowledge of diversity in
                                          information and/or assistance       workplaces
        NZQA unit 22316 v6 | 4 credits
        (level 3)                         NZQA unit 4249 v9 | 3 credits       NZQA unit 28145 v2 | 2 credits
        Demonstrate knowledge of the      Describe obligations as an employee  Interact with customers in a service
        management of drug and alcohol                                        delivery context
        related problems in the workplace
                                                                              NZQA unit 57 v10 | 2 credits
        NZQA unit 21337 v4 | 2 credits                                        Provide customer service
        (level 3)
        Demonstrate knowledge of sleep and
        sleep management in relation to work
                                                                                              ALL SORTS OF MAGIC 53
                                 All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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