Page 50 - 2024 ITS Catalogue
P. 50



             HOT CHOCOLATE AND                  KAI AROHA                         FLASH DRINKS AND KAI
             BARISTA BASICS

                              Duration  2 days                   Duration  2 days                  Duration  2 days

                              Cost     $POA                      Cost     $POA                     Cost     $POA

             A super practical 2-day course     Come together over 2-days – chat,   Let’s make flash drinks, yummy food
             with no written course work. This   plan, make and share Kai. Enjoy the   and enjoy lunch as a group!
             introductory course is ideal for anyone   company of others in a safe place
             wanting to become more confident   with loads of practical course work.  An interactive taster course for the
             on an espresso machine, wanting a                                    disabled that teaches you the art of
             career as a barista or for those that   Your tutor will lead you to collaborate   entertaining, food preparation and
             just want to give it a go!         on ideas and planning. They will teach   making flash drinks.
                                                and show you how to safely prepare
             This course covers:                amazing kai that you will cook on Day   This course is perfect for anyone
             •   Rules around a coffee machine  2 – and enjoy as a group.         that wants to learn the basic skills,
             •   Coffee extraction                                                enjoys hands on learning, social
             •   Milk magic                     This course covers:               interaction and working as a team.
             •   Hot Chocolate heaven           •   Basic food safety             Master the art of making a variety
             •   And lots more...               •   Communicating and contributing   of sandwiches, tasty mocktails and
                                                    in a team                     serving customers. The highlight of
                                                                                  this course, is that you get to enjoy
                                                This is an interactive and amazing   your creations, but also fulfilling
                                                course that allows you to be creative,   your kete with not only newly gained
                                                gain confidence, upskill, but most   confidence, a sense of achievement,
                                                importantly of all – have FUN!    but also valuable transferable skills.

                             All group bookings are subject to an agreed minimum number of learners.
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