Page 150 - EALC C306/505
P. 150


                   仰      yăng  (V) to look up [9]

                   曳      yì     (V) to drag [10]

                   司      si     (V) to supervise, to manage [10]

                   羊      yáng  (N) sheep [11]

                   伏      fú     (V) to lie in concealment, to prostrate oneself, to submit to [penalties] [11]

                   存      cún    (V) to protect, to preserve, to store [11]

                   妄      wàng  (Adv) recklessly, blindly [11]

                   收      shou  (V) to collect, to harvest [12]

                   吏      lì     (N) a minor official, a runner [12]

                   合      hé     (V) to join, to put together, to cooperate [12]

                   因      yin    (Adv) accordingly [12]

                   充      chong  (V) to fill, (SV) to be full [12]

                   休      xiu    (V) to rest, to cease [12]

                   光      guang  (N) light, gleam [13]

                   竹      zhú    (N) bamboo [13]

                   池      chí    (N) a pool [13]

                   同      tóng  (Adv) together, likewise; (Adj/SV) same, identical [13]

                   交      jiao   (V) to join together, to exchange; (Adv) together [13]

                   伴      bàn    (V) to accompany as a friend [13]

                   永      yǒng  (Adv) forever [13]

                   式      shì    (N) style; (V) here, to lean on a chariot rail (a sign of respect) [with
                                 this meaning, the character is more fully written 軾] [14]
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