Page 146 - EALC C306/505
P. 146


                   本      bĕn    (N) a root, a root cause; (Adv) at root, initially, basically, essentially [5];
                                 (N) edition of a text  [11]

                   立      lì     (TV) to set up, to establish; (IV) to stand [5]

                   世      shì    (N) generation [the graph is a variant of 30 (years)], social world [5]

                   平      píng  (SV) to be at peace, to be level, flat, equal; (V) to make even, peaceful,
                                 level [5]

                   申      shen  (V) to extend [6]

                   去      qù     (SV) to be distant; (IV) to depart; (TV) to depart from; to keep a distance
                                 from [7]

                   且      qǐe    (Conjunction) also, moreover [qǐe links two verb or SV phrases] [7]; (Adv)
                                 to be about to (equivalent in this sense to jiang 將) [12]

                   白      bái    (Adj/SV) white [also read bó] [7]

                   令      lìng   (CV) to cause [something to Verb / be SV] [7]

                   加      jia    (V) to add, to increase [in some cases, as in our text, jia loosely denotes
                                 activity that yields some sort of accrued result]; (SV adjunct) when jia
                                 precedes an SV, it gives the SV a verbal force: 加高 to become tall/taller;
                                 加白 to become white/whiter [7]

                   石      shí    (N) stone, a rock [7]

                   玉      yù     (N) jade [8]

                   皮      pí     (N) skin, pelts [8]

                   失      shi    (V) to lose [8]

                   市      shì    (N) a market place [8]; (V) to buy at market [12]

                   凶      xiong (N) ill fortune; (Adj/SV) inauspicious, baleful, evil [8]

                   司      si     (V) to supervise [8]

                   代      dài    (N) era; (V) to substitute for; to alternate [8]
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