Page 61 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 61

Disclosure Levels
                    Full Disclosure – A “Yes” indicates that Greenwich Associates may disclose an RP’s
                    company name, full contact name, location, assets under management, commission
                    volume and all individual answers in our IAP Report to our clients’ senior management
                    (not to be shared with sales representatives).  Full disclosure includes:

                            1.  Respondent’s name and institution
                            2.  Information not related to specific brokers / dealers including overall
                               commission volume, assets under management and/or research allocation
                            3.  Greenwich Associates Quality Index (Difference from Mean)
                            4.  Important broker / dealer relationships (brokers / dealers used in order of
                            5.  Broker’s / Dealer’s research and/or trading qualitative evaluations
                            6.  Open-ended comments related to specific brokers / dealers

                    Participation Only – Greenwich Associates may reveal that an individual participated in one
                    of its interviews. An * will be shown next to the company and contact name on Greenwich
                    Associates’ full list of potential study participants, which contains all of the individuals and
                    companies targeted for the study.

                      Responses to open-ended questions are shown to clients as "anonymous" quotes
                       without attributing the information to a respondent by location, type of institution or size
                       of institution based on assets under management or commission spend.

                    No Disclosure – If an RP is not willing to disclose participation or individual
                    responses, Greenwich Associates will not reveal information indicating that individual
                    participated in the research study.  No attribution by location, assets under management,
                    commission volume or product-level information will appear in the IAP report.  The RP’s
                    name and company will still appear on our universe of institutions that we target for our
                    studies however.

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