Page 64 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 64

North American Fixed Income – Product Reference Guide

                    This guide provides a list of products covered in the North American Fixed
                    Income  questionnaires.  Please  use  the  guide  during  your  interviews  to
                    ensure  that  Research  Partners  are  answering  the  appropriate  product

                    GOVERNMENT BONDS
                    Products included:
                        ·  U.S. Treasury Notes & Bonds
                        ·  Euro-denominated Government Bonds
                        ·  Gilts
                        ·  Swiss Government Bonds
                        ·  Nordic Government Bonds (ex. Finland)
                        ·  Government of Canada Bonds
                        ·  Japanese Government Bonds
                        ·  Australian Government Bonds
                        ·  Dutch Government Bonds
                        ·  Inflation-linked government bonds
                        ·  Interest Rate Futures (i.e treasury futures, euro-dollar futures and other
                            government bond futures)
                    Related Products covered in other QARs:
                        ·  Government Securities with maturities of less than 2 years
                        ·  Emerging Markets Government Bonds, including Asian, Latin American,
                            Eastern European, Turkish,  Middle Eastern, Central Asian and African
                            government bonds (covered in the Emerging Market Bonds sections for
                            Europe and the United States, and in the Asian Domestic Bonds section for
                        ·  Canadian Provincials (covered in the Provincial Bonds section for Canada

                    AGENCY SECURITIES
                    Products included:
                        ·   U.S. Agency Securities
                        ·  European agency securities
                        ·  Supranationals
                    Products covered only in the U.S.:
                        ·   Agency Bullet Coupon Issues
                        ·   Benchmark or Reference Notes
                        ·   Callable Agencies
                        ·   Other structured agency notes or bonds
                        ·   Covered Bonds
                    Products covered only in Canada:
                        ·   Canadian Mortgage Bonds
                    Related Products covered in other QARs:
                        ·   U.S. Agency discount notes - covered in Short-Term Fixed Income (U.S. RPs

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