Page 65 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 65

                    Products included:
                        ·  Interest Rate Swaps
                        ·  Cross Currency Swaps of Two Years or More
                        ·  Interest Rate Options
                        ·  Caps, Collars, Floors, Swaptions
                        ·  Structured Notes with Returns Linked to Interest Rates and FX Rates (such as
                            hyper reverse dual currency notes, range bonds, step-up notes, etc.)

                    Products included:
                        ·  Investment-grade bonds-new issues and secondary trading (exclude
                            maturities of less  than 2 years)
                        ·  Investment-Grade Credit default swaps (single  name)  U.S. only
                        ·  Investment-Grade Index products (CDX, I-  Traxx)  U.S. only
                        ·  Investment-Grade index options
                    Products covered only in Canada:
                        ·  Euro-Canadian Dollar Bonds
                        ·  Maple Bonds
                        ·  High Yield

                    HIGH-YIELD CREDIT
                    Products included:
                        ·  High yield bonds-new issues and secondary trading (exclude maturities of less
                            than 18 months)
                        ·  High yield credit default swaps (single name)
                        ·  High yield index products (CDX, I-Traxx, European Cross-Over )
                        ·  High yield index options

                    LEVERAGED LOANS
                    Products included:
                        ·  New Issue Leveraged Loans
                        ·  Secondary Par Loans

                    DISTRESSED BONDS AND LOANS
                    Products included:
                        ·  Distressed Bonds
                        ·  Distressed Loans
                        ·  Distressed equity (given to debt holders when a company in distress has been
                    Related Products covered in other QARs:
                        ·  Leveraged (par) Loans

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