Page 67 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 67

                    Products covered only in the U.S.:
                        ·  Consumer-related ABS (Auto Loans, consumer credit cards, student loans,
                        ·  Exclude ABS with maturities of less than 2 years.
                        ·  Esoteric ABS (Cell towers, whole business securitization, time shares, etc)
                    Related Products covered in other QARs:
                        ·  Sub-prime cash ABS, home equity loans, non-agency-backed CMOs, non-
                            agency-backed ARMs (including hybrid and "negative M"), and mortgage
                            derivatives - Covered in the sub-prime ABS questionnaire.
                        ·  U.S. dollar denominated MBS pass-throughs (including 5-, 7-, 15-, 30-year
                            paper backed by Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac) - Covered in the
                            MBS pass-throughs questionnaire.
                        ·  U.S. agency CMOs, agency ARMs, and mortgage derivatives - Covered in the
                            Agency CMOs questionnaire..

                    Products included:
                        ·  Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)
                        ·  Secondary vs New Issue
                        ·  AAA, Mezzanine, Equity

                    EMERGING MARKETS
                    Products included:
                        ·  Hard currency denominated sovereigns
                        ·  Hard currency denominated corporates
                        ·  Local currency sovereigns
                        ·  Local currency corporates
                        ·  Local currency interest rate derivatives

                    SHORT-TERM FIXED-INCOME
                    Products included in the US:
                        ·  Short-Term Government Securities (T-Bills, excluding repos and reverse
                        ·  ABS FRNs (maturities of two years and in)
                        ·  Agency Discount Notes, Agency FRN's, and Agency MTN's
                        ·  Commercial Paper (excluding overnight CP)
                        ·  CDs
                    Products included in Canada Only
                        ·  Short-Term Government Securities (Canadian T-Bills, Provincial T-Bills and
                            CMBs) excluding repos and reverse repos and Term Deposits
                        ·  Credit (Commercial Paper, ABS CP, U.S. denominated corporate paper, BAs
                            and BDNs)
                        ·  Funding (Repos/Reverse Repos and Term Deposits)

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