Page 69 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 69

Facility Programs

                    This facility measures activity in the fixed-income markets and solicits evaluations of
                    the performance of securities dealers.  The following programs are included in this
                    facility (new/changes in bold):

                       Program              Program Name                  Tablet    Interview Length
                                                                           QAR          Last Year
                                                                                       (in minutes)
                                                                         ABS        Full: 22 /
                      ABS         Asset-Backed Securities
                                                                                    Abridged: 17
                                                                        AS          Full: 13 /
                      AS          Agency Securities
                                                                                    Abridged: 12
                      CLO         Collateralized Loan Obligations        CLO        Full: 19
                                  Commercial Mortgage-Backed            CMBS        Full: 25
                      CP          Canadian Provincials (Canada only)    CP          Full: 11
                      DD          Distressed Debt                       DD          Full: 21
                      EM          Emerging Markets                      EM          Full: 29
                                                                         GOV        Full: 35 /
                      GOV         Government Investors
                                                                                    Abridged: 25
                      HY          High Yield                             HY         Full: 22
                                                                         IG         Full: 26 /
                      IG          Investment Grade Credit
                                                                                    Abridged: 25
                                                                         IRD        Full: 31 /
                      IRD         Interest Rate Derivatives
                                                                                    Abridged: 27
                      LL          Leveraged Loans                       LL          Full: 23
                                  Mortgage-Backed Securities –                      Full: 21
                      MBSCMO                                            MBSCO
                                  Mortgage-Backed Securities – Pass-                Full: 21
                      MBSPT                                             MBS-PT
                      MUNI        Municipal Bonds                        MUNI       Full: 26
                      NARMBS  Non-Agency RMBS                            NARMBS  Full: 18
                      OV          Overall                                OV         Full: 15
                                                                         STFI       Full: 23 /
                      STFI        Short-Term Fixed Income
                                                                                    Abridged: 18

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