Page 71 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 71

Required Questions

          For this year, we are going to verify that the important “top 10” dealer penetration questions are
          answered in each QAR.  If these questions are not answered or the Research Partner
          cannot answer them, Executive Interviewers will be asked to re-transmit the QAR as
          inapplicable and will not eligible for compensation. To be considered a completed QAR
          the questions below must be answered. The respondent must use at least two different
          dealers for a single question.

          These minimum requirements are not designed as a guideline for administering shortened
          questionnaires and are only meant to ensure that we are getting the most critically important
          information in each QAR.  We hope that this will allow us to provide our clients with the highest
          quality data possible.

                                  Program                                   Required Question Numbers
           United States
           Asset Backed Securities – ABS                             Q11A
           Agency Securities – AS                                    Q17A
           Collateralized Loan Obligations - CLO                     Q7A or Q8A
           Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - CMBS              Q7A or Q7C or 7E or 8A
           Distressed Debt – DD                                      Q11A or Q12A
           Emerging Markets – EM                                     Q11A, Q11C, Q14B1, Q14B3

           Government Bonds – GOV                                    Q7, Q9A, Q11A, Q12A, Q13A, Q14A, Q15A
                                                                     or Q16A
           High-Yield – HY                                           Q9A, Q11, or Q12A
           Investment-Grade Credit – IG                              Q10A, Q12A, or Q13
           Interest Rate Derivatives – IRD                           Q8, Q9A, or Q15A
           Leveraged Loans – LL                                      Q7A
           Mortgage-Backed Securities – MBSCMO                       Q6A or Q6C
           Mortgage-Backed Securities Pass-Throughs – MBSPT          Q7A
           Municipal Bonds - MUNI                                    Q8A, Q9, or Q10
            Non-Agency RMBS                                          Q6A
           Overall - OV                                              Q13/Q14
           Short-Term Fixed-Income - STFI                            Q5, Q8A, or Q11
           Canadian Mortgage Bonds - AS                              Q20A
           Canadian Provincials - CP                                 Q5A
           Government Bonds – GOV                                    Q7, Q9A, Q14A
           Interest Rate Derivatives – IRD                           Q8, Q9A, or Q15A
           Investment-Grade Credit – IG                              Q10A
           Overall – OV                                              Q13/Q14

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