Page 71 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 71



            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         IT Security            •  Cost-effective security  •  Is your infrastructure   Target Industry  Ho Pun
                                                        protected? Where are your                   Director
                                •  Access to proven expertise,
         Network perimeter and content   best-of-breed solutions  envisaged weakest links?  •  Government accounts   Global Competency - Security
         protection, security gaps                    •  What are the security risks   and Government-linked   +65 6556 5774
         analysis, governance exposure   •  Ability to have different   in the network / system   organisations
         and authenticated access to   types of products and   / applications, and how
         relevant resources to ensure   integrate them to fit different   do you know that your IT   •  The larger the organisation,
         information is secure.  customers’ needs. Defense   infrastructure is exposed to   the more necessary it is
                                 in depth               threats?               for them to ensure that
                                •  Uses leading technology                     their information is not
                                 and ability to deliver cost   •  Do you have the right access
                                                        management and control to
                                 efficient and effectiveness to
                                 customer               your resources and usage?
                                •  Capabilities to manage break   •  Along with the growing
                                 fix issues for customers with   emphasis in security, is
                                                        your organisation facing
                                 trained and experienced
                                 SMEs                   challenges in maintaining the
                                                        right level of expertise and
                                                        experience in security?
         Endpoint Defense       •  Identify advanced threats   •  How do you currently   Target Industry  Raymond Foo
                                 targeting your mobile   address the usage                          Lead Consultant
         Mobile Threat Prevention  devices and protect against   of vulnerable mobile   •  Min devices = 25  IT Security, Cyber Security
                                 threats coming from OS   devices, running of   •  Customers who have many   +65 9653 5034
                                 exploits, application attacks,   malicious applications and   mobile staff and use mobile
                                 network attacks, and SMS   establishment of unsafe   devices for work purposes
                                 phishing               connections on mobile                       Chan Liang Jin
                                •  Integrates with Mobile   devices that may result in   Customers who allow BYOD   Consultant, IT Security,
                                 Device Manager to allow   theft of company and client   using employee mobile   Enterprise Data & Managed
                                                                                                    Services, IT Security Centre
                                 faster and automated   information and user ID &   devices to access corporate
                                 remediation actions to be   passwords?      applications, emails and   +65 9722 1614
                                 taken upon threat detection  •  How do you protect your   information.
                                                        corporate data in the event
                                                        of a security breach on your
                                                        mobile devices?

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