Page 67 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 67



            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Executive Training     •  Understand cyber threats   •  How do you currently assess  Target Industry  David Tan
                                 and their enterprise-wide   your enterprise-wide cyber             Senior Manager
                                 impact, as well as, making   readiness?     •  Critical Infocomm   Business Development
                                 risk-based decisions during a   •  Is your internal stakeholders   Infrastructure (CII)  +65 9695 1985
                                 cyber crisis           (i.e., HR, Finance, Legal,   i.  Readiness and
                                •  Manage effective     PR) familiar in dealing with      responsiveness to
                                 communication both internal   cyber incidents?     significant cyber-attacks
                                 and external during a cyber   •  How does your internal      at the sector and cross-
                                 crisis                 stakeholders and          sector level
                                •  Identify potential gaps in   management view a cyber   ii.  Duty to report

                                                                                 cybersecurity incident
                                 existing incident response /   breach? An IT issue or a
                                 crisis management plan or   business issue?        under Section 14 of
                                                                                 Cybersecurity Bill
                                •  Gain insight into how Board               •  Financial Institutions
                                 can provide guidance to
                                 the executives to more                        i.  Notify MAS within 1

                                                                                 hour upon discovery of
                                 effectively prevent, deal
                                                                                 an incident
                                 with and respond to cyber                       ii.  Submit a root cause and
                                                                                  impact analysis report to
                                                                                  MAS within 14 days from
                                                                                  the discovery of an
                                                                               iii.  Establish a
                                                                                  technology risk and
                                                                                  cybersecurity training
                                                                                  programme for the Board

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