Page 89 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 89



            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         IntelliSURF-Sentinel, our   IntelliSURF-Sentinel is   For security managers or   Target Industries   Katherine Chiang
         advanced 3D-based security   designed to help Operation   operators:                       Product Owner for IntelliSURF-
         management software    Centres:                                     Government Agencies, Defence  Sentinel
         designed to help organisations               •  Do you want to be less   & Homeland Security Agencies,  +65 8533 4686
         easily understand complex   •  Understand complex   overwhelmed by memory   Air, Land & Transport Operators
         situations from video   situations through enhanced   work and information   / Authorities (Airport, Sea Ports,
         surveillance feeds, and execute   situational awareness,   overload, so that you can   Train/Bus Depots), Institutes
         timely, effective responses   without having to memorise   focus on understanding the   of Higher Learning, Hospitals,
         that protect key assets and   camera IDs or locations  situation at hand?  Healthcare Operators, Mall
         personnel against increasingly   •  Facilitate decision-making   •  Do you want a more   Operators, FSIs, Data Centres,
         complex security threats.  over the incidents  advanced PSIM solution   Corporate Enterprise, Industrial
                                                        that provides enhanced   Zones, Comms Infrastructure,
         Product Highlights     •  Manage timely and effective   situational awareness   Refineries, Telecomms
                                 responses                                   Exchanges, Factories.
         3D Visualisation and Video   •  Maintain audits reporting on   through an immersive 3D
         Fusion                  its actions
                                                      •  Do you want to control your
         •  Unique patented 3D video   •  Facilitate post-incident   security devices through
           fusion technology that allows   investigations  a single user interface of
           video surveillance feeds to                  IntelliSURF-Sentinel?
           be projected on top of a 3D
           map interface. This provides
           an immersive experience for
           operators to understand and
           respond swiftly to complex
         Automated Camera Best View
         •  As an operator navigates
           the 3D map interface with a
           3D mouse, he or she is not
           required to manually select
           which cameras to view.
           Rather, IntelliSURF-Sentinel
           automatically projects
           videos from the most optimal
           cameras using a patented

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