Page 91 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 91



            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Claritas is NCS’ offering that   •  Automated surveillance   •  Do you want an intelligent   Target Industries   Xia Yingyu
         brings video analytics to the   so that manpower can be   camera surveillance system       Product Owner for Claritas
         edge, which allows government   utilised more effectively  that helps you lower your   Government Agencies, Defence
         agencies and enterprises   •  Instant notifications,   total cost of ownership   & Homeland Security Agencies,
         to lower the total cost of   thus allowing greater   and achieve savings on   Air, Land & Transport Operators
         ownership and achieve savings   responsiveness of your   bandwidth, storage and   / Authorities (Airport, Sea Ports,
         on bandwidth, storage and   ground forces to react to   systems?    Train/Bus Depots), Institutes
         systems.                security incidents   •  Do you want to transform   of Higher Learning, Hospitals,
                                                        your existing legacy   Healthcare Operators, Mall
         Claritas is available in two   •  Data is sent only when   dome-type camera into an   Operators, FSIs, Data Centres,
         factors: an IR pan-tilt-zoom   required,, thereby saving on   intelligent camera capable of   Corporate Enterprise, Industrial
         speed dome camera, as well   bandwidth consumption  edge-based analytics?   Zones, Comms Infrastructure,
         as a barrel mount option to   •  Easily scalable solution with      Refineries, Telecomms
         transform existing legacy dome   minimal server footprint           Exchanges, Factories.
         type cameras into intelligent   through implementation of
         edge-analytics machines.   analytics on the edge

         Claritas features machine   •  Ease of deployment, thus
         learning based video analytics   saving cost as well as time
         for facial recognition and   on installation
         automatic number plate   •  High accuracy video
         recognition, and allows for   analytics leveraging
         over-the-air upgrade of new   machine learning algorithms
         algorithms into the camera.

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