Page 88 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
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            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         At NCS, we believe the smart   •  Enhances situation   •  Do you want to create   Target Industries   Tok Wu Chuan
         city of the future can only be   awareness, improves   tailor-made applications by         Product Owner for
         enabled by actionable insights   operational efficiency and   connecting sensors suited to   Government Agencies, Defence  IntelliSURF™
         derived from the synthesis   enables future-back scenario   your industry needs, through   & Homeland Security Agencies,  +65 8138 6728
         of data from a wide range of   planning        an open, modular platform   Land & Transport Operators /
         sources. This vision has guided   •  Allow timely collection of   with northbound APIs to   Authorities, Institutes of Higher
         us to develop IntelliSURF™,   data to enable automatic   develop custom applications   Learning, Hospitals, Healthcare
         an open, interoperable and   analysis and early detection   and southbound adapters?   Operators, Mall Operators,
         scalable smart city platform   of events of interest  •  Do you want to synthesis   FSIs.
         that can help governments and                  information gathered from
         enterprises to:        •  Offer a unified view of   a wide variety of connected   •  Min deal size: S$1Mil
         •  Ingest data from a wide   heightened situational   data sources to facilitate and
           range of sources (video,   awareness that enables   support swifter, and more
           sensor, geospatial, social   quick response to events   informed decision making?
           media, corporate information   and situations of interest
           systems, etc.)       •  Distribute mass alerts and
         •  Synthesise information to   notifications instantly over
           detect evolving situations,   multiple channels
           and to visualise them
           through a unified dashboard   •  Provide intelligent, insightful
           to provide real-time situation   information and prediction
           awareness             through data and predictive
         •  Increase operational   analytics
           efficiency through automated
           responses with standard
           operating procedures,
           notification and collaboration
         •  Leverage mobility options to
           empower individuals on the
           ground with information and
         A core IP developed by
         NCS, IntelliSURF™ is the
         next-generation smart city
         operating platform designed
         to help government agencies
         and enterprises take on the
         challenges confronting most
         urban landscapes today.

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