Page 5 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 5

2.0  Performance:
              2.1  Achievements of targets:

                                                             Actual 2019-20         Actual 2019-20
                                Parameter                  (Apr-19 to Jan-20)     (Apr-20 to Jan-21)
                                                            Target      Actual    Target     Actual
                    Electric Loco Utilization                 450       427.79      450      474.78
                    09 Hrs compliance %                       75        *50.96      75        66.28
                    Pre  Arrival  detention  of  crew  in
                    minutes                                    15        13.47      15        16.04
                    Punctuality loss of trains on electric    NIL         62        NIL         7
                    loco account
                    Punctuality  loss  of  trains  on  crew   NIL         03        NIL        NIL
                    Stalling on account of electric loco      NIL         01        NIL        NIL
                    Average Speed                             22         17.82      22        19.78
                                       Coaching locos                    120.9                 42.4
                    Trip Schedules
                                        Freight locos                    55.7                  34
                  •  09 Hrs compliance as per CMS reports.

               2.2  Specific Energy Consumption:

                                                            2019                       2020
                                                      (Apr-19 to Oct-19)        (Apr-20 to Oct-20)
                    Specific Energy
                    Consumption =
                    Total Energy Consumed  x                 3.64                       4.42
                    1000  GTKM

                     Energy conservation measures were taken since Aug-2015 and Inculcated all
                     the  running  staff on these  measures for restricting  the wastage of electrical
                     energy, by lowering pantograph of locos when train regulated, by lowering the
                     rear loco pantograph in MU locos at possible level gradient over the division, at
                     Trip  sheds,  yards  (BZA, COA,KAPT)  and saved the energy for 24254 hrs  In
                     tenns of Rs. 2,04, 13,861/· (from Apr-20 to  Jan-21) at BZA, RJY and BTTR.

                      Loco pilots Involved in accident cases:

                                                                      2019-20            2020-21
                                       Subject                       (April-19 to       (April-20 to
                                                                       Jan-20)            Jan-21)
                      Yard derailments                                    0                  0
                      No of LPs passed Signal at Danger                   2                  0
                      LPs involved in accidents In BZA division           0                  0
                      LPs Involved In accidents in other
                                                                          0                  0
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